

Ever notice how people texting at night have that eerie blue glow?

Or wake up ready to write down the Next Great Idea, and get blinded by your computer screen?

During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun.
白天,电脑屏幕看起来不错——它们被设计成看起来像太阳。但是,在晚上 9 点、晚上 10 点或凌晨 3 点,您可能不应该看太阳。

f.lux F.勒克斯

f.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.
F.Lux 解决了这个问题:它使计算机显示屏的颜色适应一天中的时间,晚上温暖,白天像阳光一样。

It's even possible that you're staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better.
甚至有可能因为电脑而熬夜。你可以使用 f.lux,因为它让你睡得更好,或者你可以只是因为它让你的电脑看起来更好。


Free on Windows, for personal use
在 Windows 上免费,供个人使用

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